Monday 16 May 2022

Our garden

Andy's setting it up with an incredible irrigation system.  


                     For example the photo above. He's watering our seeds, using minimal water with his self                                                                             created irrigation.

This (above) is our vege garden ready for everything we bought today 
(apart from the Jeruselum Artichokes, they are prolific so need to go into big buckets).

This is the next garden, we need more dirt for this one.


                                             Our herbs are doing so so so well.  We ADORE them.

                                               My favourites (apart of course from corriander), is chervil, 

                                                         curly leafed parsley  (ie French, not the flat kind) 

                                                                and celeriac leaf.  

                        Check out the irrigation system Andy has self made.

                                                        He's very clever is my Andy.


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