Monday 27 December 2021

Sourdough and Onion Soup

First of all, we made an incredible sourdough loaf this morning.  My bread is getting ratther incredible.
Andy scored it perfectly.  

We ate fresh soughdough with foie gras pate and aged gouda for lunch.  An absolute treat.

For dinner, Andy made an onion soup.  He says don't call it French Onion Soup but it as actually French Onion Soup. The beauty of this beast was not just the soup but the huge chunk of perfectly ripe cheese we put at the bottom of each bowl, then topped it with hot caramalised celeriac pureé.  Thick and full of umami deliciousness.  

He then poured the hot onion soup over everything.  

OMFG.  I know the photos don't do it justice.  We were eating then we thought this is one of the best things we've ever eaten so had to get the camera out.  For our reference only.  I can look back on this post now and we can sort of remember what we did.  Served with sourdough, good butter, crispy fried shallots, shaved parmesan and lettuce cups.  Yum.  Thank you babe for an exceptional dinns.   



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