Thursday 2 July 2020

Our trip the French Alps (Geneva)

I was so stressed about going into even nice health medical clinics.  So I prepared our food for our 4 nights away.  Breakfasts, lunches and dinners.  We ate very well.  Better than if we had gone to a restaurant or even a bakery for bread.  

We stayed in an incredible place in the alps.  AND the hygiene was undisputed.  They had it completely sorted with hand sanitizer at the door and the place completely sanitized.  We were pretty much there on business, to get some medical stuff ticked off.  Which we did and we even had a chaperone who helped out with every appointment. 

The routine was we pitched up, were issued face masks, had to hand sanitise and then we go forth.  I did actually ask if I could ditch my face mask for my face down MRI (which is with arms over the head for 50 mins) and they said yes I could but I had to remove it just before leaping onto the MRI machine (face down - not elegant when you're in an open gown with holes where the breasts are supposed to go).  I'm so glad they speak English in Switzerland.  The guy that was guiding me was Filippino.  Very French, extremely educated.  He loved that I loved Tim and Sandra's wedding.  

We did have a great trip all told.  The first 2 days were really tough with appointments and traffic and stress but the final day was awesome, driving through the Alpen route Andy selected to go to Lake Geneva for our last day picnic lunch, a spot our host suggested. It was a stunning drive and the spot our host loves is a really beautiful lake beach. There were only a couple of families playing.  Given it is now summer holidays were surprised with the few people.  If we'd brought along our swimming stuff we would have gone for a swim. But we were happy sitting, reading. Eating our bread, cheese and cherries with a beer.  

The drive back to Siggie was beautiful.  We took the no motorway route.  It took us high into the alps and it was incredible.  I even drove most of the way.  We were home by 1pm.  The drive itself was around 6 hours with no tolls and no motorways.  Usually, it'd be 4 hours.  Little Nudge was sooooooo happy to see us home.  He hung around us like glue.  He didn't mess up the cushions, he did 3 poohs in 4 days in his kitty litter, was on his bestest hoping we'd come home.  

My photos are completely out of order and to get them in order is a mish.  So.... they are what they are....

Melty cheese with salad and sourdough, final dinner.

As above.....

Picnic lunch on Lake Geneva 

Picnic lunch

Looking from the stream to the place we stayed

In the garden

That's where we were.  Washing out..

Smoked chicken, guacomole, salad and flat bread

Beef vindaloo with salad and flatbread

Waterfalls driving into the French Alps

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