Tuesday 23 June 2020

Andy’s been gardening like crazy.

He has used a very clean unused wheely bin as a water collector.  He fills his big watering can up with the water collected from part of the old house gutter.  We really want to get a natural water collection.  Our water bills are high and we aren’t supposed to water the garden in summer between dawn and dusk. 

He has built 2 stone plant pits next to an arch we bought.  He’s planting star jasmine for growth for the summer and the scent and winter jasmine for all year round green lushness but with the added value of yellow flowers all winter.

There’s still the other side to do but he jumps up in the morning to do his thing.  It’s neat to see his joy and he is so careful.  He has to make the chaux mix (lime, sand and cement, there’s no NZ English for that).  

Besides that, the garden is looking incredible.  And whilst I LOVE LOVE LOVE the old house which dates back to the 1600s and has a very unique veranda according to the locals, I also love the barn.  They are almost like sculptures on our property.  

Collecting water from the guttering under the old house using an unused wheely bin.

He has a nifty system, very simple but very effective.

The vege plot, next to the old house veranda.

Watering the plants below our terrace with the water.

The new rock planter thingies which look like they've always been there.  This side is almost finished, the other side is yet to do.  Creepers will (touch wood) eventually climb over the arch.

You get my drift, same on the RHS of this shot yet to be completed.

Our succulents have gone crazy.

I love the aspect of our barn.  

I also love the door to the barn Andy built.  He burnt the wood to made it look in keeping.  The reason for the door was to keep the dogs from deciding it's their favourite toilet.

The old house and it's veranda are very unique for the period.  

Andy, photo call!!!

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