Sunday 12 July 2020

Andy's veg garden, la vieille maison, la cave et le chat....

Andy's vege patch.  WTF?  It's so damn beautiful.

Looking back from our swing seat, vege patch is behind us.

I stole a shot of Andy working in his "shed" The fact it's a 1600's house is unreal.  My grandad would have been very very happy with this setup. Nana and Grandad would have loved this place and they would be so proud. I think of them often here.  When I bake I think of my wee Nana. But mostly I think of wee Joey with her little notes.  She's so cute and my awesome dad, legs crossed outside on our terrace doing the crossword looking so damn elegant. I have nanas whisk in my cabinet along with a few pieces of her china.  And, thanks to Flippy and Warren we have grandad's coal scuttle. 

The extra room in the old house with another beautiful fireplace

The fireplace in the main room of the old house

The chimney in the old house

Looking from the old house to Andy's Vege garden

The big fireplace, it has our spare tires stacked but without those it's gorgeous.

Andy's getting sooooooo super organised.  He even has his tools on hangers, in the old house.

Dinner in the cave

We have an incredible cave.  It is unique.

We have visited loads of wine caves in the past decades and none have matched up to ours.  We think it is because the Chateau opposite us built the Gardeners House but wanted extra wine storage ( at that time this place was a huge wine region before phylloxera)

yummy dinner, all finished

And we check on the cat........

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