Sunday 5 July 2020

Dinner in the cave, first for summer 2020

Our first cave dinner for the season.  It’s been a really weird summer so far.  We had mid to late 30s in early June and since then it’s been quite nicely cool and some rain which is fabulous for the garden.  

By this time usually, we’d be sweltering. We haven’t had to use the air con in the bedroom yet.  The fan is enough.  We are very happy if those super high temps stay away. 

We went to the cave tonight because it was too windy to sit outside.  It’s so awesome down there.  It reminded us of how incredible it is.  Sooooo we don’t need to have madly hot days to enjoy it.  If it’s too windy for the umbrella it’s a cave dinner.  

Andy did have to take out 1 bird, 2 lizards and 1 vole.  Little Nudge.  Very naughty.  But at least he doesn’t bring them in the house.  It is kind of cute (except for the bird and the lizards). 

Dinner was mexican beans, smoked chicken, salad and charred flat bread.  It was SCRUM.  

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