Saturday 20 June 2020

The Garden and the work in progress......

That's our coriander patch. They are unreal.  We have so much coriander, I will make oil to preserve it.   Coriander is a herb we are addicted to and cannot buy here.  Finally finally we are growing it sucessfully.  Whew!
Nope, didn't know I was in that shot.

We adore our old house.   It's Andy's workshop but a piece of 1600s history.  It's a real beauty.

We hope the jasmine will grow.  It was bought online. Damn COVID.

Le meme from above

Work in progress... he's so clever is my Andy accommodate our climbers

The garden succulents

lavenders and succulents....

Le meme chose

The barn.  It's so so beautiful.  But the old house is something to behold.

Our wee spot

No!! I am not posing in my slippers and comfy top.  I had no idea he was taking photos

Ditto from above

Various lavender colours.

Lavender loves it here and we are keeping the bee community alive.

The lilies are about to pop through.  

These succulents have grown immensely.  They were tiny just a few weeks ago.  They clearly love the terrior. 

Making the second rock-walled garden around our new arch... Andy found a bone.

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