Wednesday 23 October 2019

Our Visas

We collect our new visas tomorrow in Chaumont.  There was the weirdest delay.  I had my notification to collect my visa 10 days ago and Andy's only arrrived  today.....finally.  Whew.  We were getting a little concerned because we applied at the same time in the Chaumont office.  It goes to show how busy France is with visa processing.  Mine was done first, 15 minuets later Andy's was completed.  We are in rural Chaumont but the central office in Paris processes everything  and a 15 minute delay means over a week.   It'd be a bit of a head scratcher if we didn't get our visas right now.

So, we will pop into Chaumont tomorrow to collect our new cards, for another year.  Which for us seem to be easily renewable until we decide to leave, but who knows.  We've lived visa to visa for decades now and never ever take it as a given.

Update on visas collected.  in at 0830, out by 0845.  Love this place.

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