Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Andy's Prostate

Andy had rising PSA and some issues with other blood tests.

We went to a specialist in France, in Dijon. He had the worst digital test ever.  It was disgusting.  The guy just shoved his big fat finger up there (with a glove of course) but seriously?  It reminded me of getting a pelvic ultrasound in Dubai when the (female) radiologist was trying to shove it up my bum. "wrong hole"😲 I screamed and took that wand and did the job myself.  Hmmmmm

Anyway we had a fabulous night in Dijon, but a not so fabulous specialist visit, especially given that the receptionist repeatedly had all Andy's details wrong including date of birth and name.  We completely lost confidence and had no idea what to do (and Andy's bum hurt a LOT after that harsh examination...I mean, WTF???).  Their only conclusion would be prostate removal anyway and the thought of him going into a slightly unclean hospital started to give me the shivers.

I was a little frantic so I went online and found a clinic first in Freiburg, Germany but they didn't return my calls and didn't do the treatment I was after anyway.  I found a clinic in Frankfurt who does a very very calibrated, focused treatment.  No prostate removal (if there was cancer).

So up we popped to Frankfurt for his first MRI.  (with a coil, fun times).

Yes a few spots showed up.  So we returned for a full 3D mapping biopsy MRI which entailed an overnight stay in hospital and general anaesthetic which our medical insurance agreed to pay.

This showed 3 areas of cancer.  So.  We went back for Nanoknife treatment which again involved a general anaesthetic plus a unary catheter for 2 weeks.  The medical insurance suddenly wobbled.  BIG TIME.  It would appear they slipped up allowing us to go to this clinic in the first place as it's considered 'experimental '.  Finally they OKed it but only because they had to, we were far too far down the track.

We went back to FRA.  I had a huge issue myself.  I'd damaged a rib cartilage and had repeated blood noses.  We had to go to an emergency hospital as it was Sunday, in Frankfurt, the day before Andy had go to the clinic so that we could try and sort out my blood noses.  It was a really really REALLY ghastly time because I couldn't rely on my own body as my nose was bleeding randomly like crazy until I felt sick and faint. I'm not a feel sick and faint kindof gal.


We finally were directed to a Sunday emergency hospital open in Darmstadt.  We only had to wait 20 minutes or so until we saw a great specialist.  He tried to cortorise it but that didn't work so he plugged it with special stuff which was removed 2 days later.  I therefore had to do all my Frankfurt stuff and be really brave for Andy with plugs up my nose, watering eyes, a headache you wouldn't believe.  Trying to drive with that up your snoz in a foreign city....with your husband in hospital....hmmmm not the best .  I managed to get an appointment with a private clinic during Andy's surgery which timed with the 48 hour period the plug could be removed.  So I went, had them removed.  She was very VERY Germanic and thought I had big issues going on up my nose beyond my bleeds, suggesting a CT scan in 4 weeks time etc etc.....she gave me a spray and plugs just in case my nose bleeds randomly.  To spray 3 times, shove up the plugs and call emergency.

Anyhoo..... I was so very nervous about my nose.  Andy was in surgery.  It was what it was.  We had no idea what I'd do if my nose bled in the night, when Andy was in hospital post surgery and I was in our booked apartment.  Who do I call in Frankfurt?  So, Andy had a brilliant idea which gave me some sleep (but maybe not him) that, if I have a nose bleed I call him, he buzzes the nurses and viola! His hospital can get someone to me!!!!   So he didn't take any medication the night after his surgery and left his phone on just in case I called.  That's a husband for you.  THAT'S MY HUBBY. He had to take more care of me than me of him that night.

We made it through the night thank f...ing christ.  I managed through the night and to drive to the clinic no nose bleeds. He had his post op MRI.  We had our rundown of the catheter.  How to clean it, how to change the bag after a week.  How to remove it at the end of 2 weeks. The day after Andy's surgery.  Honestly he was keeping up with it better than me because I'd had my nose stuffing removed the afternoon prior and my head was scrambled.  I drove home, back to Sig.  It was far better we were home that first night with the catheter et al.  I can't imagine trying to keep everything so scrumptiously clean in an apartment or hotel.  It was a damn good decision.   Andy was SO OK on the drive home (the day after 3 hour surgery).  The catheter was a drag for 2 weeks.

He removed the thing 2 weeks to the day after surgery.  Very very cleverly too.  I was so so stressed about the removal of the catheter I almost blacked out and was sick (as previous, I'm not a black out and sick kindof gal).

So far so good with his recovery.  So far so good with mine.  No nose bleeds. My chest is still sore.  Andy's still peeing a little blood and has a bit of pain.  Nothing like the fallout from complete prostate removal.  Gotta say, my guy is a trooper.  No complaints.  It just happened during a time when I wasn't up to scratch which seriously pissed me off.  But we managed.

So, no exercise for us for a bit but we cut back so haven't put on weight. In fact throughout this Andy has lost a couple (and we have continued to enjoy our vino).  What a funny old few months this has been.  All coming right now.  WHEW!!!!!!!

When push comes to shove we rely on each other so completely and when one of us isn't up to scratch and the other isn't either it's scary.  Andy really really came to the party for me when he was in hospital after an extensive surgery.  There's nothing worse than feeling isolated and alone.  I am extremely thankful that I have a loving partner at my side and I don't underestimate that.  For one second.

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