Sunday 27 October 2019

Daylight savings

Our petit chat was soooooo confused today.  We switched time zones (well, we ditched false time).  His brekkie came out as scheduled, then Andy changed the clock on his feeding machine.  So..the wee blight was extremely out of sorts all day.  He doesn't understand a change from daylight savings to no daylight savings.  All he was after was his lunch (at 11am).  And his dinner, frankly didn't pitch up on time either.  Poor wee guy.  He soldiered on as cats do,  had a sleep.  Cat nap "they" call it.   Ours sleeps like the dead.

Thank god the wee guy doesn't have to cross time zones and travel.  He would not be amused AT ALL.  (but, we aren't particularly OK with that either and we know what's what.  Time zones suck).

Anyway, he's so cute.  He knows his timings does our wee blight.
Very smart is our little Nudgicles.  For a cat. AND he's just a wee baby after all.

He tries to open the doors, he reaches up and gives it a good old try, even from the side table outside out bedroom, he tries.   He's very very smart is our little Nudge... (well not really but we live in hope 😔)

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