Thursday 30 November 2017

Pork, parsnip, brussel sprouts, apple, onion, fennel, tarragon.

Pork fillet, not the most forgiving cut to cook but when wrapped in plastic (I KNOW AND PLEASE DON’T GO THERE WITH ME, IT’S FINE) cooked just on boiling.  This is not sous vide.  This is cooked quick, rested.  I dusted it with the most incredible fennel seed I’ve ever had.  Green, fresh, vibrant.  Along with tarragon.  This pork was cooked au point.  i.e to the point i.e perfect.   

Served with acidic caramalised apple, roasted cauliflower, chewy parsnip and sweet onion puree.  The fresh Brussel spout leaves finished it off.  Yum. 

And it snowed!!!!

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