Tuesday 28 November 2017

Atlantic salmon, duck fat confit egg yolk, confit garlic, fennel and saffron puree with chicken stock reduction and caramelised cauliflower.

So, it was a tiny bit of a stressful day TBH.  Our cars arrived.  Not in the best of nick and we have to work out how the f...k to get them compliant!  BUT I did a run in the freezing rain.  Andy met the cars and worked things through with our lovely neighbours so that they are at least sitting on our property.  His wheelbarrow was also delivered which he assembled.  And I (after my bloody cold run) focused on the thing I like to focus on... dinner.  A very very complex dish.  Not something I would repeat anytime soon either!  But it tasted good and looked pretty.  I loved the confit egg yolk.  A cool technique I will use again in a heartbeat.  

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