Tuesday 28 November 2017

Our fire visit and 2018 calander

 We were having a rather interesting day today.  The cars arrived.  Not in the best of nick it must be said (and as it cost us many thousands of euro, that's crap).  But then the door bell rang whilst I was in the midst of cooking a rather complex dish for some unfathomable reason, to see the fire brigade.  After a lot of discussion and up to our computer so we could all google translate, (we thinking they wanted to do a full house inspection for fire regs etc) all these lovely people wanted to do was sell their 2018 calendar!  Bless.  I gave then 20euro out of bloody relief!  I thought we were in trouble somehow.  So there it is, our calendar for 2018 and we are I'm sure the biggest donors in the region so far!

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