Thursday 2 March 2017

Lentil salad, spiced coconut panna cotta, goan spiced paste marinade and barramundi

Barramundi.  Yeap, but from local (well Saudi) waters.  It is called red sea sea bream here.  It took a bit of study to really understand what fish I was dealing with when I bought this lovely fresh red sea sea bream and was rather chuffed to learn it was sea barra.  A sweet tasting fish with a lovely textured flesh which suits all manor of styles and Indian being one of them.

This dish is always one of my favourites and I cook it when I feel like a treat.  It is a little involved but worth every step because it just comes together in the most sublime way.  The panna cotta being the star really.  It's a coconut milk base spiced with kaffir lime leaf, curry leaf and lemon grass.  Not what you'd usually classify as Indian but they eat a fair but of kaffir lime and lemon grass in the south.


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