Thursday 2 March 2017

Beef picanha with freekah, charred cauliflower, grilled figs and yoghurt sauce

Beef picanha is a Brazilian term but means beef rump cap.  It's common in South America, France, Italy, Spain.  Basically anywhere other than countries like NZ, Australia and the UK which make absolutely no effort to use and promote different cuts of animals.  

It is sold here and it's really really REALLY scrum.  I use the same method I use for duck breasts, i.e. a low to medium pan to slowly render the fat cap so it's lovely and tasty, well rendered and cooked very pink.  

This is a sensational dish.  Just the right amount of acid and sweet.   I've also done it with cauliflower puree and burnt butter which is also just as delicious.  

Like most tasty cuts of meat which seem to scare the life out of NZers, it's a little chewy.  It does need teeth but it's not too tough, just a little more so than tenderloin and far far more tasty.

I've become a bit of a freekah fan.  I thought it was just a trendy thing like quinoa, overpriced and overrated but freekah is awesome.   Very cheap here because it's roots are middle eastern, they've been eating the stuff for centuries and it's got a lovely almost smokey taste and slightly chewy texture.  

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