Saturday 27 August 2016

Our cave

We were planning to spend a fair amount of money on our cave, thinking we had to get the stonework redone.  But after various people came in and commented on our bonne cave we thought we were overthinking the wheel.  Our cave is a perfect specimen as it turns out.  Nothing required other than something that breaths on the floor.

Christophe who's become our go to guy knows his stuff with stone and cave and breathing and humidity.  He put the appropriate gravel flooring down that absorbs humidity but still allows the cave to breathe.  And it looks bloody good.  In a zillion years we wouldn't have thought we could have used the cave this time round.  But we have.  Very awesome.  It's been a hot week.  Today was over 35 so when we took our pre dinner drinks down (and then dinner down) it was like stepping into a cool cocoon.  Priceless.  With candles? Priceless galore.

We have plans for the furniture (i.e. our big wooden top is going to sit on the table we bought today) but that'll come.    Anyway,  expanding living pace by approx 600sqft isn't too shabby.

What an awesome place we have.  Im not showing off, this place was cheap (try buying a batch in NZ for what we spent ... good luck on that) but by Christ we're stoked with our humble wee abode.Diner BTW was bavette steak (flank steak cut in a way you cook it rare - common in France and absolutely delicious ) with basil, Marche, potato, beetroot shaved salad and lemon garlic truffle dressing.  Astonishingly good.

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