Sunday 15 November 2015

Prawn bisque sauce, prawns, lightly pickled onion and fennel with saffron aioli and pasta

A beautiful night here.  Temperatures unknown to most of the world.  That calm air, dry heat, very early 20s.  Not many places pull this off (and nowhere I've been before).  Oh my it makes the Dubai summer worth while.  These early winter days are absolutely exceptional.

Prawn head bisque sauce is a favourite, a little time consuming but worth it in the tasting, balanced with pastis, acid, tomato and saffron.  Served with the forementioned prawns, along with the most subtle of pickled onion.

If I were to take anything from this dish (apart from the fact I know how to do a decent bisque, well cooked freshly made pasta etc) is the onion.  An experiment.  A keeper.  White onion, very mellow and brought up to boiling point in a beetroot coloured sherry vinegar pickle.  Left to cool.  Unreal.

This onion would hold it's own in many dishes from carpaccio to venison to red mullet to .... well who knows but it's a keeper.

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