Sunday 22 November 2015

Candied Kumquats

I'm pretty sure for the Dubai market they come from Egypt and appear on our shelves regularly.  They are such pretty little things, kumquats and they are so easy to preserve.

When cooked in sugar syrup they take on a glossy sheen and most divine sweet acid orange flavour with a little chew.  Perfect for topping little chocolate pots, tarts, ice-cream, rice pudding etc and equally as fabulous with confit duck.

I did mine this time with the addition of star anise.  That back note of aniseed is delicious.

There's no need to deseed - the seeds just go soft and are undetectable in the end result.  It is important to blanch the kumquats about 3 times in water using fresh water each time to get rid of any bitterness before using a sugar syrup of 1 part water to 1 part sugar and cooking for 15 minutes.  Leaving them in the syrup overnight undisturbed and unrefrigerated and then cooking again for 15 minutes.

They will keep for ages in the fridge.

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