Monday 16 November 2015

Grey Mullet - a very underrated fish of sublime qualities

Grey Mullet is rather one of those fish that people discard as a secondary cut, rather like the silliness of discarding certain beautiful offal as secondary.  

Grey mullet are found in the local waters here and are common in New Zealand and Australian seas.  Not overfished, plenty of supply and they have the beautiful fattiness which is rather like a sea bass resulting in fabulously crispy skin and lovely tasting sweet meat.  

Tonight I served it with a fish reduction sauce.  You do have to be careful when doing fish bone reductions - the trick is to treat it as a quick stock.  If you boil it for ages it takes on a bitterness.  Very unlike chicken stock where the longer the cook the more the flavour.

Paired with some pickles of onion beetroot and carrot, on fennel braised until meltingly tender with pastis.  A little saffron aoli and the aforementioned reduction sauce.  Yum.  Scrum.  


And yet another incredible night here in Dubai.  

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