Sunday 22 November 2015

Caramalised miso glazed chicken with pomegranate parsley salad

This is a recipe based on one by Yotam Ottolenghi, an extraordinary chef who develops the flavours of the Middle East.

The glaze is miso paste that has been roasted in the oven till caramelised then blended with a little brown sugar, butter and mirin.  I didn't have mirin so I used a little sherry vinegar and sherry.

This glaze is brushed over the chicken and the result is a gorgeous dark roasted caramelised umami flavoured stickiness.  Served with a fresh salad of parsley, pomegranate seeds, a little pickled onion and dressing of pomegranate molasses and sherry vinegar.  Delicious.

When I make this again I will add some baharat spice mix to the miso paste glaze for a little extra delicious spicy Middle Eastern oomph.  It's pretty neat using recipes, I would never every have thought of caramalising miso paste and using it as a base for a chicken or quail glaze.  Yum.

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