Saturday 10 August 2024

Reversed cooked tandoori lamb shoulder

 We've been using this technique for a while now on rib eye and lamb leg/shoulder and similar.

It works best on large cuts of meat. We salt the meat, put in in a low oven of about 55deg and let it cook slowly for a few hours until it reaches around 53 or so degrees.  Turning it over half way through, salting it again.  This way the meat is seasoned throughout, the slow cooking process means the salty juices season the inside.  We turn the oven off and let it sit until we're ready to give it a smokey low bbq.  The result is outstanding.  Meltingly tender meat, sweet smokey flavour, beautifully seasoned and absolutely sensational.  For this one, during the bbqing we initially brushed it with a spiced oil to help with the smoke and give more flavour, then once it had a nice smokey crust we brushed it with tandoori paste mix.

Our bbq.  Andy uses different heights and covers to get different results depending on what we're cooking.

Andy doing some watering after dinner

I'm proud of the lawns because I've been mowing them!

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