Wednesday 16 March 2022

A serious cauliflower risotto and a serious Sahara wind....

The sky was orange for 3 days as it turned out.  The cars started to look like they'd been in Dubai.  We've had the Sahara sand here before and the locals sure as shit know about it.  A common event particularly during winter.  It's so strange.  We are in the middle of nowhere land.

Anyway, we cooked up a cauliflower risotto and took it to the cave.  It was utterly delicious.  We put St Agur on the base of the plate so it melts through (one of the best French blue cheeses), butter roasted cauliflower, cauliflower puree in the actual risotto with parmesan and a parmesan tuille with crispy sage.  There's so many ways to make risotto (thankfully nobody that is Italian reads this because they would get quite odd about the whole thing).  Their Nona certainly didn't cook risotto the way we do that's for sure!  



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