Sunday 3 June 2018

Andy's Tandoori chicken, super crispy flatbread, raita, chutney, salad. YUM

I would travel for this.  I am not kidding.  

The paste is with a toasted down mix only he can tell you about.    But then it's so closely guarded if he did say your time might be up.  Damn.  The bread is a very very thin with spice. Cooked super super crispy.  The raita is simple, high fat yoghurt, dried onion, lemon zest, coriander.  This I know because I make the raita.  The salad is finely chopped whatever.  The chutney is based on apricot and tamarind with toasted and ground spice.   

But that chicken.  He uses the whole leg, skin on.  He slashes it and coats in in his spice mix.  Then either on the coals of the bbq if the weather is ok but if not in the oven and finished under the grill until it's dark and caramelised.  It is absolutely unreal.

The combination of the chicken, the very crispy cooked bread with so much texture, the gorgeous salad, the creamy raita, the spiced chutney.  We've been enjoying Tandoori chicken for yonks.  This is the best and yeap I would seriously seriously travel to come to this restaurant.  Lucky me.  "ANDY! Lets have Tandoori chicken tonight".  Yeah OK Nat.  Off he goes.  No worries.  And cleans up like a pool  Thanks babe.

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