Friday 8 July 2016

South Indian.... Keralan lemon tumeric rice, saffron coconut sauce, toasted coconut, curry leaf, mustard seed fried onion topping and sea bream

A bit of a dramatic title.  I am not sure what to call it....but this dish is South Indian through and through.  The rice has toasted lentils, the acidity levels from pure lemon (in my previous south Indian dishes I have used coconut vinegar but that is Goan and this is Kerala.  I think (have no idea but think) for acidity it's more Keralan to use lemon, Goan to use coconut vinegar.

Anyway, whatever, the topping on this is fried onion, popped mustard seed, tempered curry leaf and toasted coconut.

The sauce is a heady but subtle saffron coconut mix.

With the crispy cooked sea bream, a little flat bread (and as I'm here I use local stuff) a beautiful dish.  Hands down absolutely scrum and defies it's looks.   I added roasted leek.  Non bene maybe but bloody delicious.  And that sauce (not in the photo).  Yum.

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