Saturday 3 May 2014

Soba, cucumber stuff, fresh fish, yum....

A previous dialogue was about a beautiful cucumber soup with raw fish from the Australian Gourmet Traveller magazine (intended for tuna but the most spanking fresh fish here over these few days have been Koffer, in the bream family and pretty much exclusively from the Arabian sea).

I kept the solids (i.e. strained dregs) of the chilled cucumber soup from 2 days ago in the fridge.  I hate throwing out good stuff.  Cooked and chilled soba noodles, additional fish (again Koffer were the best today), a bit of extra acidity (lime juice) and a teeny touch of salt to counteract the addition of soba.  A little bit of cucumber for bite, some coriander and well actually I cannot fault this which I say rarely with what is essentially "leftovers".  Oh I left the skin on the Koffer this time round.  It's such a fine delicate skin and a very difficult fish to deskin which I learnt two days ago but really the texture is melting even raw so if you're reading this and are in the Arabian Gulf region eating raw Koffer (what are the chances?) keep the skin on!

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