Saturday 3 May 2014

Hot cross buns that are very fine indeed!!!

I made these beauties this Easter using my sensational sourdough starter as the raising agent.  I added Chinese 5 spice and a touch of cinnamon for the spice element.  Chinese 5 spice is an incredible spice mix for sweet component spice recipes, very much similar to Pain d'espices mix from Alsace.

No goopy cross mix either, simply a cut in the buns as you might bread just before they go into the hot oven.  The fruit (my taste here) was currents and Italian sweet citrus along with brown sugar and salt (don't forget the salt!).  Icing sugar on top just before the oven to give it the sticky element.

Beautiful texture, taste, colour and quite frankly up there with the best (if not THE BEST) we've eaten even in Germany which does mean hot cross buns!  I've repeated this already.  Same result... very yummy.

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