Tuesday 1 August 2023


 We went to Chaumont, bought lots of lovely things including 2 fresh mackerel (one of our favourite fish).  I filleted and pin boned them, leaving nothing on the skeleton.  I hate waste but I don't use the mackerel bones and head for stock, it just doesn't work for stock.  Andy made an Indian tomato ginger sauce, I made made spiced potato, roasted tomatoes and beetroot.  Used the beetroot leaves and stalks in the spiced potato.  I pickled some beetroot.  It looks like a dogs breakfast (a fancy dogs breakfast) but tasted so so so scrum.  Luckily you don't eat with your eyes despite popular belief (the dumbest saying ever).  The best best best way to cook mackerel is to blowtorch it.  Firstly lightly brush with a little seasoned oil then give it a good blowtorch on both sides.  It cooks to perfection and gives the beautiful natural oils of the fish a chance to shine.


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