Thursday 7 May 2020

The Garden

Andy’s been doing a lot of gardening since spring sprung.  And when I say a lot I mean a LOT.  It’s a super keen interest for him which I find fascinating because I would love to be a gardener but I just am not. 

He’s been replanting and repurposing because the garden shops have been closed.  It’s good actually, because we seem to have so many wee plants that can be replanted.  Who knew pansies recreated themselves like wildflowers everywhere?  I thought you had to buy them new each year.  I can’t remember the words – biannuals, annuals etc.  That sort of thing.  

So, we have pansies in abundance, our clematis is going strong.  Sage is taking over but in a good way because it gives us ever green in winter and purple flowers in spring and summer.  

The best is the herb garden he’s created.  It’s phenomenal.  There’s loads of coriander, the herb we want most but cannot buy here.  There’s basil (available sort of here but it’s expensive), and he’s growing chillies and tomatoes.  He’s using a method of upturned water bottles to try and get some water into the soil.  It’s so dry, it’s a constant battle but he’s always studying the best ways to go about it.  He has these incredible ideas of how to get water into the garden rather than watering the top and it just dissipating.  And,  using the gravity on our lawn to get it down to the plants with a water catchment but to let it really soak in.  It’s complex.  I am not sure of the details TBH but he’s incredible with his gardening.  He says he isn’t but ….

Herb garden in progress, it's complex!

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