Sunday 31 May 2020

Andy is building a back friendly vege garden ....

He is building it next to the old house on our property. He has sourced the wood from the neighbours (good quality leftover pallets).  He has some old hose that he using as irrigation.  It's Kiwi style.  Using what we have.  Number 8 wire sort of stuff.  It's awesome and he's out there every morning early getting back into his sawing and planting.  AND we now have an abundance of coriander growing.  A huge treat.  The best thing with what he's building at the mo is it's on legs.  Sooo much better for the old back.  

Sunday 24 May 2020

On our swing seat

I love this photo.  I'm clearly not the best at taking self photos but it captures us swinging on the chair Andy built.  AND, I have no greys (sort of).  

Saturday 23 May 2020

Our rose and sage

Considering they were planted 2 years ago it's pretty incredible.  The rose was only tiny when we bought it and then last year (one year after being planted) it had a disease and we basically had no roses but this year it's come back thriving.  The sage has completely taken off and is so pretty all year round because it stays green and lush in the winter and burts purple in Spring and summer.  

Sunday 10 May 2020

Our wee spot

We had an incredible afternoon.  The garden is unreal.  We lit a fire.  Andy decided to use his weed blower to increase the flames. It worked! (keep safe kids it's not for everyone).  Spot wee Nudge while I was taking photos.  He's so funny.  We love our wee spot.  We popped onto our swing seat made by Andy and swung for a bit this evening under the rafters of the old house which dates back forever. With our portable bose music system.  Honestly, it's pretty damn alright.