Tuesday 31 March 2020


It's been years and years since I've made gado gado.  Actually, I think it's probably been 20 years, crikey!  Anyhoo... we got a hankering for it for some bizarre reason.  

I went to the supermarket during 'the lockdown' but couldn't find peanut butter ... it's just not a thing here.  It's not like the shelves were cleaned out of it but they just don't do peanut butter.  

I did, however, buy a packet of peanuts.  I found a traditional gado gado recipe which uses roasted peanuts which I pounded into a rough sauce  (adding garlic, tamarind, fresh red Thai chillies (bought from an asian grocer and frozen for months, still good), fish sauce, palm sugar and lime juice with my pestle and mortar.  It was so scrum.  Vegetarian and utterly scrum for it.  

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