Thursday 26 March 2020

Ditch the bra......

We are in our 10th day of the official lockdown here.  We can go out…sort of.  I have to keep my runs within 1km on our house and carry a self signed form with the time and date I leave the house.  

Only one of us can go out for shopping or for anything at any time. We can go to the closest food store only.   For essential needs (i.e. if the Gendarmerie pulled me up they could check my shopping and deem it unnecessary).  If I had my hideous rib injury, which has only just now recovered during Andy’s broken ankle we’d be pretty fucked because we rely on each other so much here in normal circumstance let alone unusual circumstance.  

Sooo Andy had some new ways to repurpose my discarded bra...... says it all 😊


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