It is a stunning night here. I’ve taken shots like this before but I’ve gotta say, it’s so pretty.
It is a very very simple house but so personal to us.
I simply love this place. AND even though Andy has a broken ankle and isn’t able to get about. AND, I have to get the wood in for the fire (and light the fire). AND I have a tendon injury in my foot which I can't afford to disrupt so have been completely off exercise......
AND we are always questioning our decisions and what the future holds for us including language (we work on our French language every single day).
BUT, despite the constant self-doubts, we love having Germany and Switzerland and Belgium and the UK and Spain and Italy as our neighbours. It’s become our sort of normal and I can’t explain it to anyone other than Andy and my family.
But even to family it is so hard to explain sometimes.
I wish I had better words to express myself, but for now all I’ll say is that I like the neighbourhood of being in Europe rather than being in Australia or NZ.
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