Saturday 22 February 2020


OK, so not the most fabulous looking dish but I have to explain.....

I cooked a piece of cabbage in smoked chicken stock.  It was cut though the base so that it was like a huge steak that held together, I cooked it off so that the stock was imparted through the cabbage bit (I seriously think cabbage needs a rebrand because the word cabbage is so cabbagey.) I shoved some pork fat on the top (sorry Katya) so it had a beautiful pork fat flavour throughout .  Cooked again and then a final grilling to make it all toasty tasting.  

This could have been vegetarian without the pork fat etc... but I'm not.  So I served it with smoked chicken breast, roasted apple, roasted celeriac, cabbage puree (frigging delicious, first time I'd done it) onion puree (one of my staples and also utterly delicious) and crispy sage.  

Yes, granted, looks a bit messy but it tasted a treat and made me think of how many ways you can cook cabbage (sorry cabbage, I feel sorry for you every time I say your name).  The braised roasted chunk was similar to scallop in flavour and texture.  

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