Tuesday 21 January 2020

The Ice

Soooo, we are very very careful when it comes to ICE.  ICE holds the power. We have huge  respect.  So, when we went out the other morning for runs we decided at the top of the village … “far out, too freaking icy, lets walk back carefully”.  Which we did.  And were doing.  Until 30m from our house when Andy miss stepped on our own road and went down quite slowly (I can replay it in my mind).  He grazed his knee and made breathing holes in his leggings (thank goodness for the leggings).  But the worst was his ankle twisted right back.  We immediately thought it was broken.  He twisted at the oddest angle.  

We’ve been to the doctor in Nogent (our lovely doctor who is unfortunately moving after being there for years).  He says it’s not broken and needs an ultrasound for tissue/ligament damage.  Because he’s leaving on the 29th for Troys and the ultrasound appointment is for the 29th we decided to find a specialist which we did, in Nancy and he had a cancellation.  We have an appointment for 24 Jan, early morning.  Whew.  At least it’ll give us some guidance as to where to from here.  The poor guy is completely incapacitated and I have to do all the man stuff which I’m not used to doing, especially in winter with the fire etc!!! And the woman stuff too like keeping up with my bread and cooking and cleaning (Andy always does the floors and now I have to do them too!!!).  Andy’s a great trooper.  He doesn’t complain and is using the desk chair which has wheels to go to the bathroom from our bedroom.  

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