Wednesday, 1 January 2020


 Our Christmas day was odd this year.  We started off the day OK.  We did our runs and had our brekkie.  Then our usual lunch which is what we always do on Chrissy.  We don't do a big breakfast or lunch, we like to savour our dinner.

But for dinner….  We were doing this incredible duck main with Indian spiced panna cotta, coconut beans and foie gras.  

So…. I had coconut beans that I had frozen successfully in the past but as it turned out these were far past their used by date.  They did not taste good AT ALL.  The foie gras was also frozen too long.  It was not great.  Note to self Nat …. Proteins can freeze forever but moisture based products including foie gras cannot!!


Our entrée of a beautiful crisp brik pastry round, filled with smoked salmon pate, salmon roe, crispy dehydrated Jerusalem artichoke and beetroot shavings was good.  Avacado would have lifted it because the salmon roe just took it to the edge of salty.  It was a textural delight though.  I will make mention to those brik pastry rounds, they were phenomenal,  made by Andy.  This entree is something to work on because the textures were utterly unreal. 

Main, hmmm.
I didn’t like it at all.  The panna cotta was perfect.  The duck was good.  But the beans and foie gras were off due to as said above over freezing.  How ghastly is that!!! On Christmas Day FFS!+!! 

Dessert was a delight.  Layered apple with aged Christmas pudding, cooked down until sticky, served with cripy brik pastry shards and icecream.  

Overall though, gotta say, Christmas 2019 here was not the best we’ve had.  At all.  We have had incredible Christmases here but this one wasn’t one of ‘em.  

The ONLY thing I'll say is that it was pretty warm.  We had a high of 8 deg on Christmas day.  All I could think about all day is my little Nana saying to me "it's the weather dear" because it felt off all day.  My wee nana knew her stuff!!!
Brik pastry rounds, Andy made for entree.  Super delicate and delicious.

Entree, in the making
Wine, from the cave

Entree still in the making


Entree complete

Et voila!.... breaking into entree

Duck main (pars bon)


Little Nudge loved the bag our Chrissy pressies from Joey and dad came in.

Dessert was a delight!  Whew.

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