Monday 4 November 2019

Ribe, Denmark

I can't show from photos how perfect this place is but it's really really PERFECT.
We premade a spice mix and bought some chicken, celeriac, beetroot, onion and potato enroute.  
We had a huge drive today.  Almost 700kms.  But the knock up of a spicy chicken with the best season celeriac and beetroot, along with potato and onion.... utterly UTTERLY yum.
We are so stoked with hour little place here in Ribe.  It was raining like cats and dogs when we arrived so we will venture out tomorrow.  It looks like the most gorgeous town to spend Andy's 63rd birthday.  For his birthday brekkie tomorrow we brought with us one of my great sour dough loaves and proper salted butter from France.  Toast with butter.....yummmmmmmmmmm

Tomorrow we are going out to a local for dinner (preset pig and cabbage, more on that later).

Right now we are quite knackered after a long drive in very heavy rain.  

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