Friday 14 December 2018

Frosty Winter Mornings in Signeville

Winter has firmly set in here in Signeville.  We have frost so heavy that they last all day. The ground is crunchy underfoot. Andy lights the fire first thing in the morning.

The running’s been chilly and I’ve gotta be careful with the ice.  With windchill factors taken into account it’s close to -10.  Ouch!  

I love these beautiful clear days though, even if it brings sub zero conditions for the whole day they’re pretty and it’s very cosy inside.

I always bring a load of wood in from the barn on my way in from a run.

Speaking of barns, our little Nudge hasn’t popped a paw outside since mid October when he got ‘fixed’ and had to stay inside for a week.  He is very content being an indoor cat in the winter.  Very cute.

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