Wednesday 21 February 2018

A starry starry night with Orion's belt and the moon as the back drop, the story of Andy, Philippe and the Porsche

Andy's car just passed it's French WOF it’s called registration in Dubai and here in France it’s called  Controlle Tequinique.  Today was the day.  Philippe took Andy to Joineville because his friend owns the shop.  All went spiffingly well.  Whew.  The lads were gone a while….and Andy stopped into Philippes over the road for a port at 5pm on the way home.  Port is an aperitif afterall in this part of the world.  Now the car is all compliant (almost anyway)  and it has a lovely little driveway to spend it's time.  The house behind belongs to Philippe and Françoise, our amazing neighbours who have been so kind and helpful.  In fact Andy has spent a fair bit of time with Philippe because he's been helping getting the damn Porsche certified.  I don't know what we would have done without them.  Lovely people.  Lovely village   

The old barn, with the old house behind

The old barn

And again the old barn

The old barn to the right of this shot, the old house to the left.  The old house being over 500 years old.  The barn a mere 400 years old

Old barn right, old house left.  (our firewood lives in the barn, Andy's tools live in the house)

Our little house

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