Tuesday 7 June 2016

Crisp skinned Norwegian trout, pernod and lemon grass sauce, black rick, squid ink and kohlrabi

I had no idea how these ingredients would come together but surely they would be OK(?).  
The black rice was cooked and then mixed with a little sachet (my last.  I need to buy more next time in Europe) of squid ink.  The kohlrabi was charred, creating a base for the rice to sit on.  Some of the rice I dried out a little in the oven so it was crispy chunks.  I used a little bonito flake for smokey umami on top of the trout.  The star of this dish was the sauce:

Pernod lemon grass sauce for fish and shellfish (2 serves) 
Use approx 80mls of pernod simmered down to a syrup.
Add around 100mls of chicken stock (I used smoked chicken stock) and a bruised lemon grass stalk.  Add some coriander root.  
Blitz to get the flavour out of the lemon grass and coriander and then strain through a fine strainer.  Add some cream fraish, season with lime juice and salt.  Blitz again if it's separated a little, it'll come back together.  Warm up to serve.

I can say without a shadow of doubt this for me was one of the most exquisite salmon or trout dishes I've eaten.  It just came together beautifully.  Every single component, from the charred kohlrabi to the black rice, the bonito and that HEAVENLY sauce.  A knockout of a dish and easy.  

I always leave salmon or trout uncovered in the fridge for a day before cooking it skin side down.  It's a guaranteed way of having crispy skin as it gives it time to dehydrate.  It also means there's hardly any smell when you cook it due to the dehydrated skin.  And I never turn my fish over.  I cook it on a medium heat and let it just sit until it's cooked appropriately.

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