Wednesday 6 November 2013

Scallop with sauce vierge and fish roe

Sauce vierge is a classic with scallops and once you eat them together you realise why.  Sauce vierge is a french warm vinaigrette.  I kept the pealed tomatoes whole rather than deseeded and chopped, therefore warmed in the olive oil with coriander seeds and lemon juice.  They gave a great visual and also meant the full tomato flavour was kept in tact.  This is a simple dish.  I prefer not to caramalise my scallops as I like them just kissed by the pan and tasting the gorgeous sweet sea flavour.  I find a full caramalisation disguises the natural sweetness but this is my personal preference.  The fish roe does not overwhelm, if anything it adds to the taste and this starter is a lesson in French simplicity and elegance.

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