Wednesday 31 May 2023


 Sorry guys, I'm just trying to relearn my blog..

Anyway, farm raised chicken (the really good stuff) cooked on  celeriac so the celeriac takes up all the chicken juices.  With cabbage (I love cabbage and it needs to be rebranded in English), leek and tarragon puree with crispy sage.  Yum.  With extra onion purée on the side. And flat breads. 

So.. foxglove and lilies.

The foxglove I picked looks beautiful with the lilies Joey bought for me.  Even though Joey is really allergic to foxglove, they are beautiful together.  


Tuesday 30 May 2023

Rare birds

We get very rare birds here in the Haute Marne. 
These are hoopoe. 
They are still found in Africa  
  They are incredibly beautiful we get, we think the same pair every year.
Stunning creatures.


It might look a bit weird but...

Underneath there were fresh lasagne sheets, leek puree (from the garden) sautéed leek, a little smoked sausage from the Jura mountains, very crispy pieces of aged mimolette rind cooked and chopped.  Unreal BTW.  Fresh grated aged mimolette, leek ash, lettuce, soft boiled egg, chive and chive flowers from the garden, et viola.  Delicious.  


Hay making...

Hay making season here is so beautiful.  We can spend hours watching the process.  There are three seasons of hay making.  One at the end of spring when the grass is still a little green, but dry.  One mid summer and one at the end of summer.  Interestingly, the hay is round, the wheat feed is in square bails.   There were 5 tractors with serious machinery today.  Given it's only a small amount of land compared with big farms, that makes for really interesting watching.  It's quite cathartic.


Our garden is gorgeous

Our garden has really come into itself this year.  The lavender and sage look so sad during autumn and winter.  But When spring spings it's just simply unreal.  The sage are flowering and the lavender are budding, just about to flower.

Even the bright pink carnations which here are lovely small flowered bright pink scented creepers are in full bloom.

Our foxglove are beautiful and our veggies are on their way.     

The garden.....


The garden