Wednesday 7 October 2020


 It's a disaster for the world.  Right now, in France, 10% of the population have been infected and it's escalating.  Every day even though we are mandated to wear masks.

I was in the supermarket yesterday and a woman was coughing.  I was near her in fruit and veg when I heard her coughing, then FFS she was there when I was next her to the Dijon mustard isle and she was fucking coughing.  And just to lay the whole disaster to rest, I was caught behind her (no kidding) in the checkout isle.  

OK, yes she was wearing a mask.  But she was coughing into the air.  Not using her elbow, just coughing into her mask like it was all good.  And she looked unclean (of course).

I had a bit of a panic attack when I got home.  I simply lost it.  I really did and that's not me.  I do the best I can do to keep us safe and then there's this unaware person just doing their own thing.  WTF?  

So it had me thinking about the US (more than I usually do because the situation there is forefront in my mind).  I think about the politics and the flagrancy of F. Trump.  I get pissed off.  I watch CNN.  I watch Trevor Noah etc....

But yesterday it reminded me (I know this woman lives in France not the US of A) that unaware people need true and utter guidance. 

Here, at least the Govt are doing their best, to keep the economy afloat whilst mandating the wearing of masks and social distancing.  In the US,  it is one fucked up situation.   I feel fucked off with Trump.  I can't speak for what's going on in India.  I've no clue at all and the sad thing is nor do they.  But for us, right now we have a complete inept president "of the free world" (hate that term) who's not fit for purpose.  We have a virus completely out of control, doing our heads and our bank statements in and a "president".... leaving it there.  

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