Tuesday 31 July 2018

Duck breast "Thai style" with foie gras sauce

This is an Indian inspired but Thai style duck marinade.  With a foie gras sauce again Indian inspired. Served with coconut spiced veg. An utter dream to eat.  Not spicy, just incredibly perfect in every single way and I cannot describe it better than utter deliciousness.  Hence me writing down the recipe.  

For 4 serves

2 small or 1 large lemon grass stalk
3 kaffir lime leaves
3 cardommon pods, ground, husks removed
1 desertspoon of fennel seeds, ground
1 heaped tsp miso paste
1 heaped tsp apricot compote
1 tsp Kashmiri chilli paste
A knob of ginger
2 big cloves of garlic
2 tbsp coconut cream

Smash the whole lot toghether in a pestle and morter. 

Smear it on the duck flesh (and skin if it’s a summer duck, but if it’s a winter duck leave the skin to render as usual and smear the whole lot on the flesh side)

The veg:

One courgette cut into large strips or a couple of handfuls of fresh green beans or same amount of finely chopped cabbage or fennel
1-2 tsp black mustard seed
A handful of curry leaf
A knob of ginger
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp desiccated coconut 
1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
the juice of half a lime or lemon
A touch of turmeric powder

Heat some oil.  Cook the mustard seed off (until they start to cackle) add the  curry leaf, . Add the veg, high heat then the ginger garlic salt and chilli Finally after 2 minutes add the coconut and limon/lime juice and turmeric.  Give it a good stir and it’s ready.  

The sauce:
Foie gras or whatever is on hand (pate, terrine etc) blitzed down.  With water to create a sauce.

The chutney:
Apricot compote with lime juice

To serve:
A portion of veg, a portion of sauce, duck breast and serve extra sauce and chutney on the side.  

With crispy garlic flat bread.  

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