Sunday 29 May 2016

Brick pastry parcel with runny egg, smoked chicken and caramelised onion

Brick pastry again, I know, BORING.  But it's just so utterly yummy.  The oven needs to be at a high temperature, preheat the baking tray, to get the pastry cooked, the inside hot but keep the egg runny.  A very very easy dinner but one that is so absolutely scrum I'd eat them until I felt sick.  

This brick parcel is with smoked chicken, caramelised onion (which I add white miso paste to give it an extra bump of umami), a little sour cream and that aforementioned egg.  

The puree is pea and stock from the smoked chicken bones (yum).  And a little finely chopped charred brussel sprouts on the side (also yum).  

Plenty of salt and pepper, a touch of tarragon and viola.  

Pork fillet with lardon of sorts

Lardon, pancetta, whatever you like to call it.  Pressed (and smoked occasionally) pork belly.  It's bacon but sold in the square form rather than the rasher slices I grew up with.  Well, give me a square of 'bacon' anytime. Dry cured please.

It's bizarely difficult to find a good quality slab of pork belly properly dry cured outside of Europe.  So I bring it back with me.  Always vac packed and there's no piggy smell going on.  I haven't had a problem with customs (to date).

There's nothing like beautiful pork fillet cooked medium rare.  I know that is rather unconventional for my home country however it's the way it comes in Spain and France.  And what a beautiful thing it is too.  Soft and sweet.  And exceptional value given quality of these prime cuts (and it's so blah...I'm not a free range type.  However when it comes to pork it has to be free range.  Like chicken,  those over fattened over hormoned massive pieces of whatever are utterly repulsive to me).

So I served a square of dry cured 'bacon' cooked again to get the skin crisp chewy, the pork fillet was perfection in protein, I made a little apple disk dusted in star anise and wrapped in brick pastry, with celeriac puree.   Very seriously delicious.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Our plans for France

We have had various ideas about what to do with our little house.  We thought initially we might build a small extension to create a doorway into the cave ... see the mock up below.
 We ultimately decided against this idea.  Too much work/money for too little gain.  We instead are going for a new cave door done in the traditional way.

Over to the barn and very old currently looks like this with no windows

We have been contemplating the driveway area and tidying that up.  Currently we are getting a devis (quote) for the work to flatten and gravel.  Create some planted areas and tidy up the old house by putting windows and shutters .... see mock up below

Here is another idea for the shutters on the old house.  This is a very old building dating back to the 17th century.  We do not think it is worth renovating but we do love the look of it and if we put shutters and glass in the windows along with a proper door we will get the benefit of a finished looking very old place from the outside at least!  The verandah awning is rather prized too as it is so very old.  It's in good nick and the whole area (we hope) will end out looking smart and part of the property and landscaping without spending extraordinary amounts of euro.

Our little house has a south facing terrace which is a wonderful area.  But we are looking into changing it slightly.  The image below is as it appears now from the dining room.  The bottom image is what we are looking at doing.  By opening it out and creating a staircase we'd be able to see down our flat section to the field below.  We can also then pave an area at the bottom and create a landscaped space.  It would serve a few purposes.

The image below is just a photo from the dining room to the outside terrace....

This image below is a mock up of what we are thinking of doing.   We'll see what the price comes to but it's fun thinking of our various options.

We are of course mindful not to overspend.  It's a balancing act and it'll be neat looking back to these plans in the future and see where we end out!

Monday 9 May 2016

Brick pastry with egg, mushrooms, celeriac, lardon and apple

We are on a brick pastry roll.  It’s the most incredible stuff.  Far more delicious than the ubiquitous filo and easier to handle. 

It is called feuilles de brick in French, Tunisian in origin and the French have adopted it with resounding aplomb.  So having French supermarkets ever present in Dubai we are able to buy said brick and ….

We thought about a gorgeous combination with this amazing pastry that you can actually tie off without it breaking.  The result ?   Sauted mushrooms, crème fraîche and an egg.  Served it with a cube of cooked lardon sitting on a little bed of celeriac puree with dried apple pieces.

Oh my gosh, how the heck yummy was this???  My tummy is rumbling even thinking of it because I want to eat it again right now. It is fun cooking together.  When the results are this delicious? Even more so!

Damn good idea Andy.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Yummy yummy egg yolk chicken dinner

Andy had this idea.  Egg yolk ravioli, caramalised onion with white miso paste for umami, pea puree, smoked chicken plus stock from the bones.  We cooked crispy chicken skin bits from the smoked chicken, we drizzled the (dreaded ?? - shame on you Ray McVinnie – it has it’s place) truffle oil.  Yumety scrum. 

Future note:

Saute mushrooms, cook them with plenty of butter until there’s no moisture left and use that in place of the pea. 

By gosh what a divine dish and the fact the pasta dough made by Andy was highly salted was a sensation in itself,  it resulted in the most sublime balance.  The pasta alone stood out.  I know it sounds gross but I could have eaten that pasta dough raw.  Yum!!!