Sunday 27 March 2016

King fish fillet with Middle Eastern salad and crispy jambon

I usually don't write recipes but I want to remember this particular combination of spice.  It was really seriously very good indeed and super easy......

For two people:

Bulgar wheat salsa:

1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 heaped tsp dried mint (if none leave it out)
1 tbsp ground sumac berries (if none buy some, still if none use the juice of half a lemon)
½ tsp ground allspice berries (if none, use a tiny bit of grated nutmeg)
1 tbsp approx sherry vinegar (if none, use another vinegar variety, mild, not white or malt. Balsamic will do but apple cider vinegar or proper wine vinegar would be better).
2 tsp pomegranate molasses (if none, buy some)
1 tbsp raw dry bulgar wheat (or raw couscous)
5 chopped cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp dried currents
½ clove garlic, crushed 
1 tsp sugar
Chili flakes
handful chopped parsley

Mix together, leave for a few hours in the fridge, adding the parsley nearer to serving time.  


Shaved fennel bulb mixed with lemon juice and lemon zest


2 King fish fillets or other similar fish type (mackerel/sardines/anchovies…)


Fresh parsley leaves, cherry tomatoes, crispy cooked cured ham (preferably jambon Bayonne), strained yoghurt.

Pop some shaved fennel on each plate, top with bulgar wheat salsa and cooked yoghurt.  Place the crisp ham on top of yoghurt and finish with the cooked piece of fish.

Scatter plate with parsley and cherry tomatoes.  Absolutely delicious.

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