Wednesday 8 July 2015

Salmon, confit egg yolk, toasted nori, bonito flakes

I cured the salmon in beetroot juice and vinegar then cooked it skin side down very quickly at a high heat.  The confit egg yolk is something I'm trying to perfect.  It's simply an egg yolk cooked in the oven in duck fat or oil (I used duck fat) on a 60 deg temp for 55 minutes.  It's a fragile thing to deal with but getting it on the plate in one piece is worth the tender care.  Beautifully thick textured yolk with a gorgeous flavour.  Combined with toasted nori, some simple bonito flakes and the slightly acidic salmon from the cure made for a sensational entree.  I'd repeat it, no changes necessary.  A beautiful dish.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Duck breast with hot tamarind chutney sauce

Again from Rasio.  I lightened this up by using yoghurt instead of cream and butter.  There were a huge array of spice in this dish but they came together beautifully as always under direction from Vineet Bhatia.  The recipe called for skinless duck breast sliced but I love rendered duck skin so did it my own way.  This is a stunning dish and when I make it again I will add coconut somewhere as it seems to cry out for that nutty sweetness coconut adds to dishes.

Lamb backstrap, lamb mince wontons, pineapple relish

Another gem from my Rasio, New Indian Cookbook by Vineet Bhatia.  A beautiful balance of sweet sour hot and mellow.  Beautifully pink lamb, marinated in a 'white marinade' which has of all things grated cheese along with yoghurt, cardamon and other roasted and ground spice.  This is a very different marinade and absolutely gorgeous with the lamb.  We felt it would also work with lovely sweet chicken.