Monday 22 June 2015

Vineet Bhatia's chicken with black spice

Vineet Bhatia has a way with spice and this ensemble only reaffirmed his assured understanding of ingredients and refined palate.

I did of course change things, I used a baby chicken which I deboned leaving the tiny wing and leg bones in place along with boneless skin on chicken breasts.  Chef Bhatia’s idea of using skinless boneless chicken breast is, I’m sure, a gorgeous result in the hands of a brilliant chef.  I am not a brilliant chef so I did not want to risk a dry result, hence the use of poussin (and I love chicken skin). Besides, any excuse to cook with the gorgeous free range French poussin available in our local supermarket is good enough for me!

The marinade for the chicken is a heady mix of spices and tamarind chutney along with - squid ink.  Strange but true and the result is black paste with a rich taste that would be difficult to identify if you hadn't assembled the ingredients yourself.  I put the marinade in the cavities so that we could enjoy the flavours but also have that delicious skin.  The sauce is a dahl pureed and passed (and divine), the rice is a kidchi to which I varied slightly adding a little mushroom for meatiness.  I substituted tomato chutney for roast cherry tomatoes.

This was fun to make.  I enjoy deboning and I was intrigued as to how this seemingly incongruous amalgamation of ingredients would come together.  Mr Bhatia, you are brilliant and I thank you for your recipe!

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