Saturday 27 June 2015

Duck breast with cardamon, duck sauce, broad beans and roasted spring onion bulbs with beetroot and radish.

I used middle east flavourings in this dish, drawing from my massive selection of local products.  Cardamon, honey and orange blossom water were added to the duck sauce along with plenty of black pepper.  It's a gorgeous combination and one I've used many times.

Fried prawn, curry leaf and leek khichdi, spiced prawn jus

This is a recipe from my well worn Rasoi: New Indian Kitchen cookbook by Vineet Bhatia.  A couple of minor differences, I used Omani prawns rather than lobster and I used leek in the khichdi instead of broccoli.

This dish is superb.  The sauce is simply heaven made with prawn heads.  I assume it'd be just as gorgeous with lobster shell as the base.

I fried the prawns in their shells once the heads were removed (for the sauce stock) and I had cut down the back to remove the goop.  The shells were soft so completely edible (love prawn shells and prawn heads for that matter...) once they'd been shallow fried.  The finishing touch by the way and recommended by Mr Bhatia is a sprinkling of roasted crushed curry leaf mixed with decent quality cocoa powder.  The slight bitter added depth that I wouldn't ever considered doing myself. Culinary brilliance.

A heady combination of balanced indian spice with the essence of seafood.  Delicious.

Friday 26 June 2015

Our Cottage in Signéville

In one of the most beautiful parts of France, still untouched by tourists, just north of the vineyards of Burgundy and east of Chablis, in the Champagne Ardenne, commune of Haute Marne sits little Signéville   There are no shops.  There is a church of course (which happens to be next door to our cottage but we are assured the bells are turned off from 10pm to 6am!).  

Andelot is 3 kms of beautiful meandering little roadway away with a good restaurant and patisserie plus weekly market.  Chaumont is 25 minutes further on with a plethora of restaurants and shops.  

We have plans.  We will turn the cave at the bottom floor of the cottage into a dining room come wine tasting/drinking, jambon room and wine cellar.  We will landscape and create more outdoor areas.  We may (money dependant) renovate the majestic 17th century building on the property which has a soaring central fireplace and incredible roof structure.  

The position of the property overlooks a beautiful protected valley with a river below (full of trout).  

This is our little pad in France.  We haven’t taken possession just yet but will do in September and we can’t wait!

RIGHT NEXT to the church!

Our cottage.  In need of landscaping and outside touches but other than that, ooh la la!

Our beautiful view

Nothing but silence (and church bells!)

The fire is an antique job, all original features have been kept but the new kitchen, bathroom and double glazed joinery are a welcome feature.

Our agent Virgile (an out of work Sommelier) insisted we break for Chablis during our time with him.  Who were we to argue with that!

Original wooden floors and staircase

The kitchen has original terracotta tiles and a beautiful wooden bench top.  Loads of cupboard spacef and will make me very happy for hours I have no doubt.

The cave (bigger than it looks at around 600sqft) which we will turn into a dining room come wine and ham room

The house and barn to renovate should we choose to

The ceiling and central fireplace of the 17th century house to renovate on our property

Sea bream with dill and celeriac

Beautifully fresh sea bream, celeriac puree, dill vinaigrette, leek courgette, peas and chorizo.  Deliciously balanced.  The dill vinaigrette gave the right hit of acidity and anise, the vegetables were cooked in reduced chicken stock for richness, the chorizo provided texture and a point of flavour against the beautiful fish and the celeriac gave the creaminess and nutty element.  I’d cook this again in a heartbeat. 

Monday 22 June 2015

Vineet Bhatia's chicken with black spice

Vineet Bhatia has a way with spice and this ensemble only reaffirmed his assured understanding of ingredients and refined palate.

I did of course change things, I used a baby chicken which I deboned leaving the tiny wing and leg bones in place along with boneless skin on chicken breasts.  Chef Bhatia’s idea of using skinless boneless chicken breast is, I’m sure, a gorgeous result in the hands of a brilliant chef.  I am not a brilliant chef so I did not want to risk a dry result, hence the use of poussin (and I love chicken skin). Besides, any excuse to cook with the gorgeous free range French poussin available in our local supermarket is good enough for me!

The marinade for the chicken is a heady mix of spices and tamarind chutney along with - squid ink.  Strange but true and the result is black paste with a rich taste that would be difficult to identify if you hadn't assembled the ingredients yourself.  I put the marinade in the cavities so that we could enjoy the flavours but also have that delicious skin.  The sauce is a dahl pureed and passed (and divine), the rice is a kidchi to which I varied slightly adding a little mushroom for meatiness.  I substituted tomato chutney for roast cherry tomatoes.

This was fun to make.  I enjoy deboning and I was intrigued as to how this seemingly incongruous amalgamation of ingredients would come together.  Mr Bhatia, you are brilliant and I thank you for your recipe!

Friday 5 June 2015

Alma Vista Villa, Brda, Slovenia

We came to Slovenia purely on the back of finding Alma Vista Villa during some longwinded internet search.  I contacted Martina Alma and we agreed on a fabulous price.

We’ve travelled around the general region before - Istria, Trieste, Asolo, but not actually into Slovenia.  I read great things but I thought it might still be a little backwards and .. well.. not really lovely.  Shows what a bigot I am with assumptions on places I haven’t been sometimes.  

The villa itself intrigued me with it’s modern design clearly set in a traditional wine area.  Look, the fact is this place is stunning.  The view, the pool, the loungers, the spa area, the kitchen, the Alessi crockery and cutlery, the Ridel wine glasses, the downstairs help yourself cellar (you pay their cellar prices as they run a full winery).  I can’t fault this place and the location is sublime.  Venice - yes if you want to pop over for a day it’s just over an hour away.  Lake Bled, yes you can do that too in a day.  However the beauty of this location is it’s location.  Enjoy the local wineries, villages, restaurants, waterfalls, rivers.  Whatever is your thing or just a lovely relax by the pool listening to natures song.  

We enjoyed knocking up some food together each evening and came up with some beauties.  It’s fun as we rarely cook together but this place is one of those places you don’t want to leave and eat out.  Far far more intrinsically enjoyable to buy locally, cook and eat.  There were an abundance of fresh herbs in the gardens and the quality of vinegars, olive oils and salts would put any gourmets selection to shame.

Martina runs this place and she's a gem.  She has it covered and whilst you can expect her help when every needed your privacy is absolutely assured.  Her English is impeccable and she has a keen attention to detail as evident in the villa itself.

We ran each morning.  The roads are windy, a little up and down, the perfect country running road in my opinion.  A little up a little down lots of corners, enough to keep your brain in gear to excuse your body saying no at times at take in some beautiful vista.

Our days came and went, almost blurred from one to the next.  We did do day trips - Lake Bled, Rilke Trail, hopefully the Kozjak waterfalls tomorrow.

What we will leave with is a sense of wonder.  Slovenia is a jewel and rather off the radar yet so incredibly accessible.  This is a beautiful country with respectful proud people and very very good food, wine and ham.  Alma Vista was a real find for me and satisfies the fact my hours of study pay off with holiday research.  It’s a gorgeous retreat.  

Alma Vista Villa

Pancakes for lunch ... why not!

Dinner of rabbit leg wrapped in spec with spaghetti and porcini (we enjoyed cooking in-house every night)

Our delicious breakfast of kaiserschmarrn with cherries and vanilla yoghurt

Kitchen/dining area

From living room to outside 

Help yourself cellar (honesty system and at their wine cellar prices).


Spa/Wellness are

From pool looking towards the villa

Lake Bled