Friday 9 September 2011


Cassis is a jewel set in the Mediterranean with an aura that is utterly captivating.

Granite rocks change with the light

I had booked Maison 9 eight months in advance.  Seven nights and oh how seven nights can seem like a heartbeat and an eternity in one.  The Maison is set within Cassis wine region a 15 minute flat work to the Centre Ville.

Maison 9

Maison 9 pool view

The grounds stunning

...and life meanders...
The building has been restored to exacting standards with four guest rooms all located in different areas andn in fact ends out feeling like one's own villa.  The forth duplex room is often left empty at the owners' discretion in order to create a more intimate experience therefore generally allowing for a maximum of 6 guests.

...peacefully through each day
I admire this philosophy from an owner who is completely in tune with the guest experience and proud of the product - rightfully so too as Maison 9 is utterly faultless.

Andy being silly
As each new day dawns the gentle hum of a bee in the background, the birds, the sky, the grounds, the vineyards and you.  Breakfasts are a quiet and tasteful affair, quality produce and breads, beautiful setting and tableware, graceful attentive service.  Evening meals of figs, cheeses, cured hams, breads, salad, wine from the local markets and stores were the perfect low key end to the perfect low key day.

Markets abundant

Heaven for a girl nicknameed sugar candy as a child
With numerous options of where to sit in the grounds there is simply no restaurant that vaguely competes with this incredible setting.  This was the ultimate luxury.  No noise, just the pure contentment of embracing the beautiful world in which we are blessed to live.

Desserts from the patisserie each day - oh how it's worth the run!!!!
Cassis is a stunner.  We walked and swam and ran and walked some more, we ate and drank and sat in satiated silence.  Even now writing this it still leaves me breathless with wonderment.

Another day dawns

Cassis's pretty harbour

Track to the calanques

The natural beauty is evident everywhere.  Surrounded by cliffs on each side, the waters azure, the rocks from reds and golds to pure white, vertical from the sea, hues to captivate and change with light and dark.

Turquoise of unreal qualities

D'En Vau

Overlooking the mountains from the tracks above the calanques

The beaches small and intimate in turquoise of such exquisite clarity, the calanques worth more than one day treck if you have time and fitness as they are too heartbreakingly beautiful to do once only.

D'En Vau

D'En Vau

D'En Vau simply a green of incandescent qualities, the water ice cold.  To watch people from all corners of our earth having respect for the environment  is humbling and equalizing and incredibly fulfilling.  Breathe, life is good.  Cassis - I'll be back.

About to swim, very very cold water but oh so worth it!!

A lovely local...

....and another

Me in view heaven!! 

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