Tuesday 3 November 2020


Our wee Nudge will live another day.  

He has a wee virus and a wee temperatue.  Our lovely vet gave him a shot to bring his temp down and some antibiotics we pop into his eyes.  He has to stay inside for the 2 week period we give him his antibiotic.

The wee guy peed in his cage on the way there.  Acutally the trip was fraught from the start. He was really really difficult to get into his cage even though Andy plucked him out from a deep sleep.  Then, because it's lockdown and Andy had to cross the boarder from the Haute Marne into the Vosges to get to the vet we were worried he'd be questioned.  The whole thing at the moment is so bloody wierd.  But, it' all turned out OK.

Our vet is a complete treasure.  She's so loving and kind. She even cleaned his cage and popped his cushion he peed on into a plastic bag and popped a nappy type thing into it for the way home.  She even gave Nudge a wee clean.

The receptionist sprays and wipes the door even though she herself opens it each time for each individual animal owner to come in and out.  Our vet must have told her to do that.  She is very thin.  Hmm.

Anyway.  All good.  Mask and clothes washed.  Everything sanitised just in case and Nudge is asleep on our bed. 

Whew.  At least he doesn't have wierd brain worms or something dispicable.  The most important thing today is the F...ing US election.  

Monday 2 November 2020

Update on Nudge

 His eyes are still all over the place.  They come right for an hour or 2 and then viola, they are odd.  

Our lovely Vet, even with lockdown she's managed to fit our wee guy in.  We think he just needs antibiotics.  We are super lucky to have a caring vet who knows Nudge from 6 weeks old.  Actually the first she met us was asking her to put Nudge and Smudge down (when they were 2 weeks old).  She refused.  Then wee took Nudge into our house at 3 weeks old. She knows his history.  I think she has a weak spot for wee Nudge.     

Sunday 1 November 2020

Our Nudgie

He is so sweet is our wee Nudge.  We think he's a bit sick at the mo. His eyes are all wonky.  We are trying to get an appointment with our awesome Vet but during lockdown it isn't easy.  Actually even during normal COVID it isn't easy because she's super cautious and only lets one person in at a time there is no waiting room.  The waiting room is outside.  In the car or wherever.  So, hopefully we get an appointment.